From LSJ
ὑμῖν ἔξεστι εὐδαίμοσι γενέσθαι → to you it is permitted to be joyful, it is permitted to be happy, it is permitted to be fortunate, vobis licet esse beatis
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
antĕ-pŏtens: entis, adj.,
I superior in power or fortune: voluptatibus gaudiisque antepotens, Plaut. Trin. 5, 1, 2.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
antĕpŏtēns, entis, qui l’emporte : Pl. Trin. 1116.
Latin > German (Georges)
ante-potēns, tis, vor allen reich, -glücklich, voluptatibus gaudiisque (in usw.), Plaut. trin. 1116.
Latin > English
antepotens (gen.), antepotentis ADJ :: superior in power/fortune, strongest; exceeding