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ἐβόα καὶ βαρβαρικῶς καὶ Ἑλληνικῶς → shouted out both in Persian and Greek, shouted out in the barbarian tongue and in Greek


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

muscĭpŭla: ae, f., and muscĭpŭ-lum, i, n. mus-capio,
I a mouse-trap: muscipulum, μυάγρα, Gloss. Philox.; Lucil. ap. Non. 266, 2: qui saepe laqueos, et muscipula effugerat, Phaedr. 4, 1, 8 verendum est, ne quando in muscipulā syllabas capiam, Sen. Ep. 48.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

mūscĭpŭla, æ, f. Lucil. Sat. 1022 ; Varro R. 1, 8, 5 ; Sen. Ep. 48, 6 et mūscĭpŭlum, ī, n., Phædr. 4, 2, 17 ; Aug. Serm. 130, 2 (mus), ratière, souricière.

Latin > German (Georges)

mūscipula, ae, f. u. mūscipulum, ī, n. (mus u. capio), die Mäusefalle, Lucil. 1022. Varro r. r. 1, 8, 5. Sen. ep. 48, 6. Phaedr. 4, 2, 17: esca muscipulis, Commod. 2, 7, 13 Ludwig. – bildl. = παγίς, Falle, Fallstrick, Augustin. conf. 3, 1; serm. 130, 2 u. 216, 6: muscipulam tendere, Augustin. serm. 130, 2. Vgl. Rönsch Itala p. 218 sq.

Latin > English

muscipula muscipulae N F :: mouse trap