τὸ κοῖλον τοῦ ποδὸς δεῖξαι → show the heels, show a clean pair of heels, show the hollow of the foot, run away
Full diacritics: τίλα | Medium diacritics: τίλα | Low diacritics: τίλα | Capitals: ΤΙΛΑ |
Transliteration A: tíla | Transliteration B: tila | Transliteration C: tila | Beta Code: ti/la |
[ῐ], ἡ, A plucking, εἰς τὴν τ. τοῦ χόρτου PFlor.180.4 (iii A.D.). II pl., flocks or motes floating in the air, Plu.2.722a; cf. τίλος.