φωνὰ τύ τίς ἐσσι καὶ οὐδὲν ἄλλο → it's all voice you are, and nothing else | it's all voice ye are, and nought else
Full diacritics: θᾰνᾰτοποιός | Medium diacritics: θανατοποιός | Low diacritics: θανατοποιός | Capitals: ΘΑΝΑΤΟΠΟΙΟΣ |
Transliteration A: thanatopoiós | Transliteration B: thanatopoios | Transliteration C: thanatopoios | Beta Code: qanatopoio/s |
A causing death, Sch.S.Tr.858.
[Seite 1186] Tod bewirkend, Schol. Soph. Tr. 869.