From LSJ
ἡμῶν δ' ὅσα καὶ τὰ σώματ' ἐστὶ τὸν ἀριθμὸν καθ' ἑνός, τοσούτους ἔστι καὶ τρόπους ἰδεῖν → whatever number of persons there are, the same will be found the number of minds and of characters
English (LSJ)
A besprinkled, bespattered with, στεφάνοις Ar.Eq. 502; ἡδυσματίοις Telecl.1.11; σαργὸν τυρῷ κ. Archestr.Fr.36.3. 2 suitable for use as a powder, Asclep. ap. Gal.13.159, etc. 3 embroidered, ἁλουργίς Ar.Eq.968; Χιτὼν Χρυσῷ κ. D.C.72.17; Χρυσαῖς ἀκτῖσι Hld.3.4, cf. 10.9, Aristid.Or.17(15).10.