From LSJ
πέτρην κοιλαίνει ρανὶς ὕδατος ἐνδελεχείῃ → constant dropping wears away a stone, constant dripping will wear away the hardest stone, little strokes fell big oaks, constant dripping wears the stone, constant dropping wears the stone, constant dripping will wear away a stone
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
Alcĭmĕdon: ontis, m.,
I the name of an artist in wood-carving, of whom nothing more is known; perh. contemporary with Vergil, Verg. E. 3, 37 and 44: ubi v. Wagn.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
Alcĭmĕdōn,¹⁵ ontis, m., nom d’homme : Virg. B. 3, 37.
Latin > German (Georges)
Alcimedōn, dontis, m. (Ἀλκιμέδων), Name eines sonst unbekannten Toreuten, Verg. ecl. 3, 37 (Nomin.) u. 44 (Genet.).