
From LSJ

προγράψαντες οὖν τά τε θεωρήματα καὶ τὰ ἐπιτάγματα τὰ χρεῖαν ἔχοντα εἰς τὰς ἀποδείξιας αὐτῶν μετὰ ταῦτα γραψοῦμές τοι τὰ προκείμενα → having therefore written at the beginning the theorems and the postulates that are necessary for their proofs, we will then write out for you the propositions


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

cĭthăroedus: i, m., = κιθαρῳδός, κιθαραοιδός
I one who plays on the cithara, accompanying it with the voice (diff. from citharista by the accompanying singing), Cic. Mur. 13, 29; id. de Or. 2, 80, 325; id. Tusc. 5, 40, 116; Varr. R. R. 2, 1, 3; * Hor. A. P. 355; Quint 1, 12, 3; 4, 1, 2; 11, 3, 88; Suet. Ner. 20, 21; 20, 22; 20, 41; id. Vit. 4; id. Dom. 4 al.—In fem.: CITHAROEDA, ae, she who plays on and sings to the cithara, Inscr. Orell. 2611.—
   b Prov.: non omnes, qui habent citharam, sunt citharoedi, Varr. R. R. 2, 1, 3.* † cĭthărus, i, m., = κίθαρος, a fish of the sole kind, Plin. 32, 11, 53, § 146.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

cĭthărœdus,¹² ī, m. (κιθαρῳδός), citharède [chanteur qui s’accompagne de la cithare] : Cic. Mur. 29 ; non omnes qui habent citharam sunt citharœdi Varro R. 2, 1, 3, [prov.] n’est pas citharède quiconque possède une cithare.

Latin > German (Georges)

citharoedus, ī, m. (κιθαρῳδός), der zur Zither singt, der Zitharöde, Zithersänger, Cic. u.a. – Sprichw., non omnes qui habent citharam sunt citharoedi, Varr. r. r. 2, 1, 3.

Latin > English

citharoedus citharoedi N M :: singer-musician; (with self accompaniment on cithara/lyre); harpist (Ecc)

Wikipedia EN

Muse tuning two kitharai. Detail of the interior from an Attic white-ground cup from Eretria, c. 465 BCE.

A citharode (Greek: κιθαρῳδός; Latin: citharoedus) or citharist, was a classical Greek professional performer (singer) of the cithara (or sometimes lyre), as one who used the cithara to accompany their singing. Famous citharodes included Terpander and Arion. (The spellings "citharede" and "citharoede" are also sometimes used.) "Citharode" or "Citharede" was also an epithet of Apollo (Apollo Citharede), and the term is used to refer to statues which portray Apollo with his lyre.

Wikipedia DE

Ein Kitharöde (von altgriechisch κιθαρῳδός kitharodos; lateinisch citharoedus) war im antiken Griechenland ein Dichter, der seine Gedichte selbst sang und sich dabei auf der Leier Kithara begleitete. Die Kitharöden bildeten einen Teil der Nachfolge der homerischen Aöden (Sänger und Dichter volkstümlicher Epen), während die Rhapsoden Epen rezitierten. Daneben gab es den Auloden, der seine Verse von einem Aulosbläser begleitet vortrug.

Wikipedia ES

Un citaredo​ (en griego, κιθαρῳδός) o citarista,​ era el griego clásico que ejecutaba la cítara de manera profesional, también el compositor de obras. Se podía acompañar con la voz (o en su lugar, utilizando la lira), y acompañar a otros cantantes, o un coro. Entre los más famosos se puede mencionar a Terpandro y Arión.

Wikipedia IT

Il citarista (greco κιθαροιδός (kitharoidos), latino citharoedus), anche detto citaredo, vocabolo che deriva dal termine greco κιθἆρα, era il suonatore di cetra (o indistintamente della lira e dell'arpa), nell'antica Grecia e nella Roma antica, che spesso decantava anche versi di poesia lirica (così detta perché si accompagnava al suono della lira o della cetra). Uno dei sottogeneri della poesia lirica nell'antica Grecia era appunto la citarodia

Wikipedia RU

Кифаре́д, по другой традиции, кифарод (др.-греч. κιθαροιδός, κιθαρῳδός, лат. citharoedus) — древнегреческий музыкант, играющий на кифаре, музыкальном инструменте древних греков, родственном лире. Помимо музицирования кифареды также пели (одновременно с игрой или попеременно). Инструменталистов, которые не пели, а только музицировали, принято называть кифаристами (от др.-греч. κιθαριστής).

Wikipedia TR

Kitharacı (Yunanca: κιθαρῳδός; Latince: citharoedus), Antik Yunanistan'da profesyonel olarak şarkılara eşlik etmek için kithara veya bazen lir kullanan şarkıcıdır. Ünlü kitharacılar Terpander ve Arion'dur. Apollo'nun kitharacı sıfatı vardır ve bu terim Apollo'yu liri ile tasvir eden heykellere atıfta bulunmak için kullanılır.