οὕτως εἴη ἡμίν ὁ Θεός βοηθός καὶ τὸ ἱερὸν Αὐτοῦ Εὐαγγέλιον ὧδε ἐμφανισθέντα-ὁρκισθέντα → so help us God and Ηis holy Gospel the things here declared and sworn
frequently: P. and V. πολλάκις, θαμά (Plato), Ar. and V. πολλά, P. συχνόν.
without break: Ar. and P. συνεχῶς, P. ἐνδελεχῶς, V. διανεκῶς (Aesch., Agamemnon 319).
through all: Ar. and P. διὰ παντός.