πῶς δ' οὐκ ἀρίστη; τίς δ' ἐναντιώσεται; τί χρὴ γενέσθαι τὴν ὑπερβεβλημένην γυναῖκα; (Euripides' Alcestis 152-54) → How is she not noblest? Who will deny it? What must a woman have become to surpass her?
famen faminis N N :: utterance, articulation; word (Nelson)
fāmen, inis, n. (fari), die Rede, Anrede, Ansprache, Ven. Fort. vit. s. Mart. 4, 549.
fāmĕn, ĭnis, n. (fari), parole : Fort. Mart. 4, 549.