τὸ ἀνένδοτον
From LSJ
Τὴν ἀρχὴν ὅ, τι καὶ λαλω̃ ὑμι̃ν (John 8:25) → Just what I have been saying to you from the very beginning
la inflexibilidad, la resistencia, inflexibilidad, resistencia
Catalan: inflexibilitat; French: inflexibilité; Galician: inflexibilidade; Greek: αδιαλλαξία, ακαμψία; Ancient Greek: ἀκαμψία, ἀτροπία, ἀτροπίη, τὸ ἄγναμπτον, τὸ ἀνένδοτον, τὸ ἄτεγκτον, τὸ δυσμετάτρεπτον; Italian: inflessibilità; Portuguese: inflexibilidade; Spanish: inflexibilidad