poke: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

Κύριε, σῶσον τὸν δοῦλον σου κτλ. → Lord, save your slave ... (mosaic inscription from 4th cent. church in the Negev)

m (Woodhouse1 replacement)
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|Text=[[File:woodhouse_624.jpg|thumb|link={{filepath:woodhouse_624.jpg}}]]'''v. trans.'''
P. and V. κινεῖν, Ar. σκαλεύειν.
===verb transitive===
<b class="b2">Poke fun at</b>: P. and V. παίζειν [[πρός]] (acc.).
[[prose|P.]] and [[verse|V.]] [[κινεῖν]], [[Aristophanes|Ar.]] [[σκαλεύειν]].
[[poke fun at]]: [[prose|P.]] and [[verse|V.]] [[παίζειν πρός]] (acc.).

Revision as of 09:09, 20 May 2020