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Θεοὶ μὲν γὰρ μελλόντων, ἄνθρωποι δὲ γιγνομένων, σοφοὶ δὲ προσιόντων αἰσθάνονται → Because gods perceive future things, men what is happening now, but wise men perceive approaching things

Philostratus, Life of Apollonius of Tyana, VIII, 7
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Full diacritics: εὐθενία Medium diacritics: εὐθενία Low diacritics: ευθενία Capitals: ΕΥΘΕΝΙΑ
Transliteration A: euthenía Transliteration B: euthenia Transliteration C: efthenia Beta Code: eu)qeni/a

English (LSJ)


   A = εὐθένεια 11 (q.v.), from which it cannot be distd. after ii B.C.: Ion. εὐθενίη () Epigr. in Rev.Phil.19.178 (i B.C.), Epigr.Gr.1036.19 (Nicomedia); εὐθενία is v.l. in Arist. Rh.1360b16, HA602a15 (v.l. εὐσθένεια, εὐθένεια), Porph. Gaur.16.2.—From ii A.D. εὐθένεια and εὐθενία begin to be confused with εὐθηνία.

Greek Monolingual

εὐθενία και ιων. τ. εὐθενίη, ἡ (Α)
βλ. ευθένεια.