From LSJ
οὐκ ἐν τῷ πολλῷ τὸ εὖ, ἀλλ' ἐν τῷ εὖ τὸ πολύ → good is not found in plenty but plenty in good, quality matters more than quantity
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
verb transitive
Ar. and P. ἀλείφειν, P. ἐπαλείφειν, Ar. παραλείφειν, V. χρίειν, προχρίειν.
anoint with ointment: Ar. μυρίζειν, μυροῦν.
anoint all round: Ar. and P. περιαλείφειν.
anoint (the eyes): Ar. and P. ὑπαλείφειν.
anoint oneself: Ar. and P. ἀλείφεσθαι (mid.).
anointed with: Ar. κατάλειπτος (dat.).