θεὸς δ' ἁμαρτάνουσιν οὐ παρίσταται → God doesn't stand by those who do wrong → A peccatore sese numen segregat → Ein Gott steht denen, die da freveln, niemals bei
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
stŏlo: ōnis, m.,
I a shoot, branch, twig, or scion springing from the stock or root of a tree, a useless sucker, water-shoot: qui (Licinius Stolo) propter diligentiam culturae Stolonum confirmavit cognomen, quod nullus in ejus fundo reperiri poterat stolo, quod effodiebat circum arbores, e radicibus, quae nascerentur e solo, quos stolones appellabant, Varr. R. R. 1, 2, 9; cf.: Stolonum Liciniae genti (cognomen): ita appellatur in ipsis arboribus fruticatio inutilis, unde et pampinatio inventa primo Stoloni dedit nomen, Plin. 17, 1, 1, § 7; 17, 20, 34, § 150; 17, 13, 20, § 95; 17, 26, 39, § 248; 27, 13, 109, § 133.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
(1) stŏlō, ōnis, m., surgeon, rejet : Varro R. 1, 2, 9 ; Plin. 17, 7 ; 17, 150, etc.