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συκοφάντης ἐστὶν ἐν πόλει λύκος (τοῖς πέλας λύκος) → Calumniator, quemquem novit, huic lupus'st → Der Denunziant lebt in der Stadt gleichsam als Wolf (ist seinen Nachbarn wie ein Wolf)

Menander, Monostichoi, 440

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

emplastrum: i, n. (or emplastra, ae, f., Gell. 16, 7 fin.), = ἔμπλαστρον.
I In medic. lang., a plaster.
   A Prop., Cels. 5, 17; 19; Cato, R. R. 39, 2; Plin. 21, 4, 10, § 15; 34, 10, 22, § 103 et saep.—*
   B Trop.: quid est jusjurandum? Emplastrum aeris alieni, Laber. ap. Gell. 16, 7 fin. —
II In horticult. lang., the band of bark which surrounds the eye in ingrafting, the scutcheon, Col. 5, 11, 10; id. Arb. 26, 9 sq.; Plin. 17, 16, 26, § 121; Pall. Febr. 17, 1 al.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

emplastrum,¹⁶ ī, n. (ἔμπλαστρον), emplâtre : Cato Agr. 39, 2 ; Cels. Med. 5, 17