Πέτρος Ἰουδαίοις τάδε πρῶτα τεθέσπικε πιστοῖς → Peter has laid down the following first writing for the Jewish faithful
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
exstructĭo: (extr-), ōnis, f. exstruo,
I a building up, erecting, structure.
I Prop. (rare but class.): tectorum, Cic. N. D. 2, 60, 150: contecti eā exstructione, quae sit ad memoriam aeternitatis, id. Phil. 14, 13, 34. —With gen.: vallorum, Vulg. Ezech. 17, 17.—In plur.: fastigiorum, Vitr. 7, 1 med. —*
II Transf., an adorning, Tert. ad Uxor. 2, 3.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
exstrūctĭō,¹⁴ ōnis, f. (exstruo), action de bâtir, construction : Cic. Nat. 2, 150 || [fig.] haute structure de cheveux : Tert. Ux. 2, 3.
Latin > German (Georges)
exstrūctio (extrūctio), ōnis, f. (exstruo), I) das Aufbauen, die Aufführung, der Aufbau, ea exstructio, quae etc., Cic. – m. Genet., exstr. vallorum, Vulg. Ezech. 17, 17: Plur., exstructiones tectorum, Cic., villarum, Suet., fastigiorum, Vitr.: et fastigia sua exstructiones habuerint, und die Gefälle eingerichtet sind, Vitr. – II) meton., der Schmuck, Tert. ad ux. 2, 3.
Latin > English
exstructio exstructionis N F :: building-up; erection; adorning