From LSJ
αἱ μέν ἀποφάσεις ἐπί τῶν θείων ἀληθεῖς, αἱ δέ καταφάσεις ἀνάρμοστοι τῇ κρυφιότητι τῶν ἀποῤῥήτων → as concerns the things of the gods, negative pronouncements are true, but positive ones are inadequate to their hidden character
English (LSJ)
ὁ, A boorish person, Hsch.
Spanish (DGE)
persona inculta, ruda Hsch.β 192.
• Etimología: Rel. quizá c. βρόκος, βροῦκος, βροῦχος c. un uso metáf. del n. del saltamontes.