οὕτως ἐξ ἐχθρῶν αὐτοκτόνα πέμπετο δῶρα, ἐν χάριτος προφάσει μοῖραν ἔχοντα μόρου → thus mutual gifts that bring death were bestowed by enemies, gifts that brought the lot of death in the name of a favor
imprŏpĕrus: (inpr-), a, um, adj. 2. in-properus,
I not hasting, slow: sorores, Sil. 3, 96.
imprŏpĕrus, a, um, qui ne se hâte pas : Sil. 3, 96.
improperus, a, um (in u. properus), langsam, zögernd, Sil. 3, 96.