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Revision as of 19:24, 2 August 2017 by Spiros (talk | contribs) (13_3)

ἐν εἴδει παροιμίας τίθεσθαι → to consider as an example

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Full diacritics: ἐπουριάζω Medium diacritics: ἐπουριάζω Low diacritics: επουριάζω Capitals: ΕΠΟΥΡΙΑΖΩ
Transliteration A: epouriázō Transliteration B: epouriazō Transliteration C: epouriazo Beta Code: e)pouria/zw

English (LSJ)

(οὖρος) of a fair wind,

   A waft onwards, τὰ ἀκάτια Luc. Hist.Conscr.45 ; swell, τὴν ὀθόνην Id.Dom.12.    II metaph., τὰ ὦτα ἐπουριάσας ἕνεκα πολυπράγμονος περιεργίας spreading out his ears to catch gossip, v.l. in Ph.2.4.

German (Pape)

[Seite 1010] = Folgdm, Luc. dom. 12; αὔρη ἐπουριάζουσα τὴν ὀθόνην, günstig das Segel schwellend, wie ἄνεμος ἐπουριάζων τὰ ἀκάτια, die Schiffe forttreiben, hist. conscr. 45.