ἰὼ, σκότος, ἐμὸν φάος, ἔρεβος ὦ φαεννότατον, ὡς ἐμοί, ἕλεσθ' ἕλεσθέ μ' οἰκήτορα → ah, darkness that is my light, gloom that is most bright for me, take me, take me to dwell in you
arsis: is, f., = ἄρσις, in metre,
I the elevation of the voice; opp. thesis, depression (in pure Lat., sublatio, Diom. p. 471 P.), Mart. Cap. 9, p. 328; Don. p. 1738 P.; cf. Ter. Maur. p. 2412 P., and Mar. Vict. p. 2482 P.