Τὸ νικᾶν αὐτὸν αὑτὸν πασῶν νικῶν πρώτη τε καὶ ἀρίστη → The first and best victory is to conquer self.
lack of knowledge: P. ἀήθεια, ἡ, ἀνεπιστημοσύνη, ἡ, P. and V. ἀπειρία, ἡ, V. ἀηθία, ἡ.
unfamiliarity with: P. ἀήθεια, ἡ (gen.), ἀνεπιστημοσύνη, ἡ (gen.), P. and V. ἀπειρία, ἡ (gen.), V. ἀηθία, ἡ (gen.).