τὸ βέλτερον κακοῦ καὶ τὸ δίμοιρον αἰνῶ, καὶ δίκᾳ δίκας ἕπεσθαι, ξὺν εὐχαῖς ἐμαῖς, λυτηρίοις μηχαναῖς θεοῦ πάρα → I approve the better kind of evil, the two-thirds kind, and that, in accordance with my prayers, through contrivances bringing salvation at the god’s hand
contemplātor: ōris, m. id.. *
I An observer, surveyor: peritissimus, a marksman, Amm. 19, 1, 7.—
II A contemplator, an observer (very rare): caeli ac deorum, * Cic. Tusc. 1, 28, 69: mundi animus, Sen. Cons. ad Helv. 8, 4: astrorum, App. Flor. 4, n. 18, p. 361, 4.