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τῇ διατάξει σου διαμένει ἡ ἡμέρα ὅτι τὰ σύμπαντα δοῦλα σά → the day continues by thy arrangement; for all things are thy servants

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Full diacritics: δαφνίς Medium diacritics: δαφνίς Low diacritics: δαφνίς Capitals: ΔΑΦΝΙΣ
Transliteration A: daphnís Transliteration B: daphnis Transliteration C: dafnis Beta Code: dafni/s

English (LSJ)

ίδος, ἡ,

   A bayberry, Hp.Morb.2.13, Nat.Mul.33, Thphr.HP1.11.3.    2 bay-tree, PEdgar 21.3 (iii B.C.).

German (Pape)

[Seite 525] ίδος, ἡ, Lorbeer, Frucht der δάφνη, Hippocr.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

δαφνίς: -ίδος, ἡ, ὁ καρπὸς τῆς δάφνης, δαφνοκούκουτζον, Ἱππ. 465. 44, Θεόφρ. Ἱ. Φ. 1. 11, 3.

Spanish (DGE)

-ίδος, ἡ
1 baya o fruto de laurel frec. en preparaciones médicas, Hp.Morb.2.13, Nat.Mul.33, Thphr.HP 1.11.3, Dsc.1.40, Sor.104.6, Crit.Hist. en Gal.12.490, Ruf.Fr.75.23, PHarris 98.5 (IV d.C.), Aët.1.108, Paul.Aeg.7.20.19, Hippiatr.29.4, Gp.16.17, de metal, como ofrenda ID 1416A.2.13, 1417B.1.138 (ambas II a.C.).
2 laurel, Laurus nobilis L. τῆς δαφνίδος τὰ μοσχεύματα PCair.Zen.125.3, cf. 184.8 (ambos III a.C.).