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Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

pĕractĭo: ōnis, f. perago,
I a finishing, completion.
I Lit.: peccati, Hilar. in Psa. 118, 4, 8.—
II Aetatis, transf. from the stage, qs. the last act of the drama, Cic. Sen. 23, 85 (cf. id. ib. 18, 64: fabulam aetatis peregisse, and 19, 70: peragenda fabula est).

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

pĕrāctĭō,¹⁶ ōnis, f. (perago), achèvement, fin, terme : Cic. CM 85.

Latin > German (Georges)

perāctio, ōnis, f. (perago), die Ausführung, ›deactio‹ peractio, Paul. ex Fest. 74, 11. – dah. der Schlußakt, senectus autem aetatis est peractio tamquam fabulae, Cic. de sen. 85.

Latin > Chinese

peractio, onis. f. :: 成功