Wikipedia EN
Epaphroditus (Greek: Ἐπαφρόδιτος) is a New Testament figure appearing as an envoy of the Philippian church to assist the Apostle Paul (Philippians 2:25-30). He is regarded as a saint of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, first Bishop of Philippi, and of Andriaca (there are at least two ancient towns called Andriaca, one in Thrace and one in Asia Minor), and first Bishop of Terracina, Italy. There is little evidence that these were all the same man.
English (Strong)
from ἐπί (in the sense of devoted to) and Aphrodite (Venus); Epaphroditus, a Christian: Epaphroditus. Compare Ἐπαφρᾶς.
English (Thayer)
Ἐπαφροδίτου, ὁ (from Ἀφροδιτη, properly, 'charming'), Epaphroditus, an associate with Paul in the ministry: Ἐπαφρᾶς above.
Russian (Dvoretsky)
Ἐπαφρόδῑτος: ου ὁ Эпафродит
1 вольноотпущенник, грамматик в Риме времен Нерона и Нервы, автор не дошедших до нас комментариев к Гомеру, Гесиоду и др.;
2 приближенный Нерона, его рабом был философ Эпиктет.
原文音譯:'EpafrÒditoj 誒普-阿弗羅笛拖士
1) 以巴弗提(2) 腓2:25; 腓4:18
French (New Testament)
ου (ὁ) Épaphrodite, associé de Paul dans le ministère
arz: ابفرودتس; bg: Епафродит; ca: Epafrodit de Filipos; de: Epaphroditus; el: Επαφρόδιτος; en: Epaphroditus; fr: Épaphrodite; id: Epafroditus; it: Epafrodito di Filippi; ja: エパフロデト; ka: ეპაფროდიტე; mk: Епафродит;: Epafrodyt; pt: Epafrodito; ru: Епафродит; sr: Епафродит; sw: Epafrodito; uk: Епафродит