ἔτυχες εἰς τὴν μάχην ὑπὸ τοῦ στρατηγοῦ πεμφθεὶς → you happened to be sent into the battle by the general
Full diacritics: ἀγλαόμητις | Medium diacritics: ἀγλαόμητις | Low diacritics: αγλαόμητις | Capitals: ΑΓΛΑΟΜΗΤΙΣ |
Transliteration A: aglaómētis | Transliteration B: aglaomētis | Transliteration C: aglaomitis | Beta Code: a)glao/mhtis |
ιος, ὁ, ἡ,
A of rare wisdom, Tryph.183, Procl.H.5.10.
[Seite 16] von herrlicher Klugheit, Tryph. 183.