αὐτόχειρες οὔτε τῶν ἀγαθῶν οὔτε τῶν κακῶν γίγνονται τῶν συμβαινόντων αὐτοῖς → for not with their own hands do they deal out the blessings and curses that befall us
Full diacritics: προσεκπνέω | Medium diacritics: προσεκπνέω | Low diacritics: προσεκπνέω | Capitals: ΠΡΟΣΕΚΠΝΕΩ |
Transliteration A: prosekpnéō | Transliteration B: prosekpneō | Transliteration C: prosekpneo | Beta Code: prosekpne/w |
A evaporate, Zos.Alch.p.173 B.
προσεκπνέω: ἐκπνέω προσέτι, Νικηφ. Χοῦμν. ἐν Boiss. Ἀνεκδ. τ. 5, σ. 331.