From LSJ
πολλὰ μεταξὺ πέλει κύλικος καὶ χείλεος ἄκρου → there is many a slip twixt cup and lip, there's many a slip twixt cup and lip, there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip, there's many a slip twixt the cup and the lip, there's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
dif-fĭtĕor: ēri,
I v. dep. a. fateor, to disavow, to deny (very rare; perh. only in the foll. passages—for syn. v. denego init.): numquam diffitebor multa me simulasse invitum, Planc. in Cic. Fam. 10, 8, 4; so with acc. and inf., Quint. 2, 17, 5: obscenum opus, Ov. Am. 3, 14, 28; Aus. Caes. 14.