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κρατίστην εἶναι δημοκρατίαν τὴν μήτε πλουσίους ἄγαν μήτε πένητας ἔχουσαν πολίτας → the best democracy is that in which the citizens are neither very rich nor very poor (Thales/Plutarch)


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

coco: acc. to others cocococo,
I the sound naturally made by the hen, clucking, Petr. 59, 2.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

(1) cŏcō, is, Suet. Aug. 87, 1, c. coquo.

Latin > German (Georges)

(1) coco1 = coquo, Suet. Aug. 87, 1.