
From LSJ

καὶ ἄλλως δὲ πολυειδῶς συζευγνύουσι τοῖς πράγµασι τὰ µαθήµατα, ὡς καὶ τῶν πραγµάτων ὁµοιοῦσθαι τοῖς µαθήµασι δυναµένων καὶ τῶν µαθηµάτων τοῖς πράγµασι φύσιν ἐχόντων ἀπεικάζεσθαι καὶ ἀµφοτέρων πρὸς ἄλληλα ἀνθοµοιουµένων → they couple mathematical objects to things in several other ways as well, since things can be assimilated to mathematical objects, and mathematical objects can by nature be likened to things, both being in a relation of mutual resemblance


Wikipedia EN

Laches (/ˈlækiːz/; Greek: Λάχης; c. 475 – 418 BCE) was an Athenian aristocrat (son of Melanopos) and general during the Peloponnesian War.

His date of birth is unknown, but Plato asserts that he was distinctly older than Socrates, who was born around 470 BCE. According to Thucydides, he was the son of Melanopus of Aexone, The family belonged to the Cecropis tribe.

In 427 BCE, Laches and Charoeades were sent to Sicily with a fleet of 20 ships in order to support Athenian allies against Syracuse. When Charoeades was killed by the Syracusans in battle in 426 BCE, Laches took over the supreme command of the fleet. Under his command, the army sailed to Mylae, a territory of Messana and was defended by two battalions of Messanians. The enemies tried to ambush the Athenians and when this failed, Laches was able to force the cities of Mylae and Messana to surrender. However, due to the annual reappointment of generals, at the beginning of 425 BCE he was replaced by Pythodoros as supreme commander. The first Athenian expedition to Sicily ended badly. Upon Laches' return to Athens he was prosecuted by Cleon, but was acquitted of any wrongdoing. His trial was satirized by Aristophanes in his play The Wasps, which is the main source for its historicity.

The Laches (/ˈlækiːz/; Greek: Λάχης) is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato. Participants in the discourse present competing definitions of the concept of courage.

Russian (Dvoretsky)

Λάχης: ητος (редко ου) ὁ Лахет (сын Меланопа, афинский полководец времен Пелопоннесской войны, пал в сражении при Мантинее в 418 г. до н. э., его именем назван диалог Платона «о мужестве»).


ca: Laques; de: Laches; en: Laches; es: Laques; et: Laches; fr: Lachès; hr: Lahet; id: Lakhes; it: Lachete di Melanopo; ja: ラケス; ko: 라케스; no: Lakhes; pl: Laches; ru: Лахес; sh: Lahet; sr: Лахет