From LSJ
τὸν πυλῶνα καὶ τὸ ἐν αὐτῷ ἐμπέτασμα → the parodos gateway with its curtain
Spanish (DGE)
Frisk Etymological English
Grammatical information: adj.
Meaning: μωρός, Ἔλληνες H.; βρόκων ἀμαθής, ἀπαίδευτος, οἷον βόσκημα H.
Origin: XX [etym. unknown]
Etymology: DELG refers to βρόκοι ἀττέλεβοι and considers "un emploi plaisant". I rather think of an accidental homonym. Fur. 145 suggests πρόκον ἠλίθιον H. (much more doubtful Lat. bargus sine ingenio).