τὸ βέλτερον κακοῦ καὶ τὸ δίμοιρον αἰνῶ, καὶ δίκᾳ δίκας ἕπεσθαι, ξὺν εὐχαῖς ἐμαῖς, λυτηρίοις μηχαναῖς θεοῦ πάρα → I approve the better kind of evil, the two-thirds kind, and that, in accordance with my prayers, through contrivances bringing salvation at the god’s hand
Tryphon: ōnis, m.
I A surgeon, Cels. 6, 5; 7 praef.—
II A king in Syria, Just. 36, 1, 7; 38, 9, 3; 39, 1, 3.—
III A surname of Ptolemy Philopator, Plin. 7, 56, 57, § 208. —
A publisher of Rome, Quint. ad Tryph. 1 sqq.; Mart. 4, 72, 2; 13, 3, 4.