From LSJ
Μὴ σπεῦδε πλουτεῖν, μὴ ταχὺς πένης γένῃ → Ditescere properans, inops fies cito → Vermeide schnellen Reichtum, sonst verarmst du schnell
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
P. and V. εἴσοδος, ἡ, πρόσβασις, ἡ, προσβολή, ἡ, Ar. and P. πρόσοδος, ἡ, P. ἔφοδος, ἡ.
to a person: P. and V. εἴσοδος, ἡ; see intercourse.
visitation, assault: P. and V. προσβολή, ἡ.
of illness: P. καταβολή, ἡ; see fit.
in access of passion: V. ὀργῇ χρώμενος (Sophocles, Oedipus Rex 1241).
access to the walls: V. τειχέων προσαμβάσεις (Euripides, Phoenissae 744).