
From LSJ

μοῦνοι Ἑλλήνων δὴ μουνομαχήσαντες τῷ Πέρσῃ → alone of all Greeks we met the Persian singlehandedly, alone of all Greeks having fought singlehanded with the Persians


Latin > English

beneficus benefica -um, beneficentior -or -us, beneficentissimus -a -um ADJ :: beneficent, kind, generous, liberal, serviceable

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

bĕnĕfĭcus: (better than bĕnĭfĭcus), a, um, adj. bene-facio (
I comp. and sup. regularly formed, beneficentior, Sen. Ben. 1, 4, 5; 5, 9, 2: beneficentissimus, Cic. Lael. 14, 51; id. N. D. 2, 25, 64; ante-class. beneficissimus, Cato ap. Prisc. p. 603 P.), generous, liberal, beneficent, obliging, favorable (rare but class.): de Ptolemaeo rege optimo et beneficissimo, Cato, l. l.: beneficum esse oratione, Plaut. Ep. 1, 2, 14: ubi beneficus, si nemo alterius causā benigne facit? Cic. Leg. 1, 18, 49: in amicum, id. Off. 1, 14, 42; 1, 14, 44: sunt enim benefici generique hominum amici, id. Div. 2, 49, 102: beneficus, salutaris, mansuetus civis, id. Mil. 8, 20; id. Lael. 9, 31; cf. Gell. 17, 5, 4: actio, Sen. Ben. 2, 34, 5.—* Adv.: bĕnĕfĭcē, beneficently: facere, Gell. 17, 5, 13.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

bĕnĕfĭcus,¹¹ a, um (bene, facio), bienfaisant, obligeant, disposé à rendre service : Cic. Mur. 70 ; Mil. 20, etc.; beneficentior Sen. Ben. 1, 4, 5 ; 5, 9, 2 ; beneficentissimus Cic. Nat. 2, 64 ; Læl. 51 ; in aliquem Cic. Off. 1, 42 ; adversus aliquem Sen. Ben. 1, 4, 5, obligeant à l’égard de qqn || voluntate benefica benevolentia movetur Cic. Off. 2, 32, la seule volonté de rendre service entraîne le dévouement.
     superl. beneficissimus Cato Orat. 10, 4 || forme benificus Vel. Gramm. 7, 76, 12.

Latin > German (Georges)

beneficus (benificus), a, um, Adi. m. Compar. u. Superl. (benefacio), guttätig, wohltätig, gefällig, ubi enim beneficus, si nemo alterius causā benigne facit, Cic.: benefici liberalesque sumus, non ut exigamus gratiam, Cic.: homines benefici et benigni, Cic.: voluntate beneficā benevolentia movetur, Cic. – Compar. regelmäßig beneficentior, wie: beneficentior gratiorque adversus bene merentes fiam, Sen. – Superl. beneficentissimus (vorklass. beneficissimus), wie: liberalissimi sint et beneficentissimi, Cic.: Iuppiter optimus, id est beneficentissimus, Cic. – / Über die Schreibung benificus (dagegen Vel. Long. (VII) 76, 12) vgl. Ritschl opusc. 2, 561.

Latin > Chinese

beneficus, a, um, centior, centissimus. adj. :: 好施恩。 款待人。— mihi vel erga me 多施恩與我者。