
From LSJ

Ὥς ἐστ' ἄπιστος (ἄπιστον) ἡ γυναικεία φύσις → Muliebris o quam sexus est infida res → Wie unverlässlich ist die weibliche Natur

Menander, Monostichoi, 560

Latin > English

putealis putealis, puteale ADJ :: derived from a well

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

pŭtĕālis: e, adj. id.,
I of or belonging to a well, well-: undae, well-water, Ov. Ib. 391; so, lymphae, Lucr. 6, 1178: aquae, Dig. 43, 1, 20, § 6: fons, Col. 11, 3, 8: unda, id. 1, 5, 1: pocula, of spring-water, Juvenc. 2, 259; cf. puteanus.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

pŭtĕālis,¹⁵ e (puteus), de puits : Lucr. 6, 1172 ; Col. Rust. 11, 3, 8.

Latin > German (Georges)

puteālis, e (puteus), zum Brunnen gehörig, Brunnen-, aqua, Suet. fr.: fons, Colum. 11, 3, 8: aquae, Ulp. dig. 43, 1, 20. § 6: unda, Brunnenwasser (Ggstz. fluens unda), Colum. 1, 5, 1: u. so undae, Ov. Ib. 387: dass. lymphae, Lucr. 6, 1172 (1178): pocula, B. mit Brunnenwasser, Iuvenc. 2, 259.