From LSJ
στεφανηφορήσας καὶ ἱερατεύσας → having worn the crown and having had the priesthood
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
verb transitive
Ar. and P. πωλεῖν, (aor., Ar. and P. ἀποδόσθαι, perf., P. πεπρακέναι, pass. also P. πιπράσκεσθαι, aor., P. and V. πραθῆναι, perf., P. and V. πεπρᾶσθαι), Ar. and V. περνάναι, (found in pres. part. περνάς (Euripides, Cyclops 271), 3rd sing. pres. pass. πέρναται (Ar., Equites 176).)
traffic in: Ar. and V. ἐμπολᾶν, ἀπεμπολᾶν, διεμπολᾶν, V. ὁδᾶν (Euripides, Cyclops), ἐξοδᾶν (Euripides, Cyclops).