
From LSJ

ἅλμην πιόντες ἐξαπῆλθον τοῦ βίου → they drank seawater and departed from life


Latin > English

sponso sponsare, sponsavi, sponsatus V TRANS :: become betrothed/engaged to marry (woman); espouse, affiance (L+S)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

sponso: āre, v. a. sponsus,
I to betroth, affiance, espouse (post-class.).
I Lit.: aliquam, Dig. 23, 2, 38; Tert. Vel. Virg. 11.—
II Trop.: animam, Paul. Nol. Carm. 18, 43: et sponsabo te mihi in sempiternum, Vulg. Osee, 2, 19; 2, 20.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

spōnsō, āre (spondeo), tr.,
1 promettre : Paul. Dig. 23, 2, 38
2 promettre en mariage, fiancer : Tert. Virg. 11.

Latin > German (Georges)

spōnso, āre (sponsus), I) sich verloben, Paul. dig. 23, 2, 38. – II) zur Braut machen, verloben, virgines sponsari non possunt, Tert. de vel. virg. 11: sp. uxorem, sich mit einem Weibe verloben, Augustin. quaest. in deut. qu. 31: übtr., et sponsabo te mihi in sempiternum od. in fide, Vulg. Osee 2, 19 u. 20: animam sponsans, Paul. Nol. carm. 18, 43: abs., sponsans Achilles (sc. coniugem), Orest. tr. 78.

Latin > Chinese

*sponso, as, are. (spondeo.) :: 定親。— virginem 與女定親。