
From LSJ

Οὗτος Ἰουστῖνον καὶ Νεοβιγάστην στρατηγοὺς προβαλόμενος, καὶ τὰς Βρεττανίας ἐάσας, περαιοῦται ἅμα τῶν αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ Βονωνίαν → He appointed Justinus and Neovigastes as generals, and leaving Britain, crossed with his forces to Bononia.(Olympiodorus/Photius)


German > Latin

unantastbar, intactus (z.B. illi thesauri). – integer (unverletzlich, z.B. ius). – firmus (fest. stehend, an dem man nicht rütteln kann, z.B. testamentum). – un. machen, firmare (z.B. legem).