
From LSJ

ἀμείνω δ' αἴσιμα πάντα (Odyssey VII.310 / XV.71) → all things are better in moderation


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

vŏlūtus: a, um, Part. of volvo.
vŏlūtus: ūs, m. volvo,
I a rolling, the power of rolling, twisting, or turning about: dedit volatus avibus, volutus serpentibus, cursus feris, etc., App. Flor. p. 348, 16.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

(1) vŏlūtus, a, um, part. de volvo.
(2) vŏlūtŭs, ūs, m., la faculté d’avancer en ondulant [serpents] : Apul. Flor. 10.

Latin > German (Georges)

volūtus, ūs, m. (volvo), das Vermögen (die Kraft), sich zu wälzen, -zu rollen, dedit volutus serpentibus, Apul. flor. 10.