ὕπνος δεινὸν ἀνθρώποις κακόν → sleep is a terrible evil for humans (Menander, Sententiae monostichoi 1.523)
Greek > English (Woodhouse Verbs Reversed)
(see also προσάγω): introduce, bring before, bring to bear, bring to, put to, bring into
Lexicon Thucydideum
adducere, to lead to, 2.89.4, 5.61.1, 8.3.1,
admovere, to bring near, apply, 1.64.2, 1.99.1, 2.76.4,
item likewise 4.100.1. 4.100.3. 7.25.6, 7.43.1.
Absol. absolutely copias admovere, to move troops up, 3.107.3, 7.37.2,
colligere, to gather together, collect, 2.97.3,
MED. ad se trahere, to draw to oneself, 8.106.4,
sibi conciliare, ad suam societatem adducere, to win over, bring into one's alliance, 2.30.1. 3.32.2, 3.55.3, 3.91.2. 4.86.1. 4.88.1. 6.22.1, 6.47.1. 6.48.1. 6.71.2. 6.75.3. 6.104.2. 7.7.2, 7.55.2. 8.17.2. 8.25.5. 8.44.1,
in suam potestatem redigere, to reduce to one's power, 1.99.1, 6.94.3, 8.107.1.
appetere, to strive for, seek, 5.82.5,
ad suam sententiam trahere, to bring over to one's opinion, 3.42.6, 3.43.2.
pellicere, to entice, attract, 6.54.3,
PASS. admoveri, to be moved up, 1.76.4, 4.115.2,
ad societatem adduci, to be brought into the alliance, 4.87.3,
in potestatem redigi, to be brought into one's power, 2.77.2, 3.95.1,
ad sententiam trahi, to be brought over to the opinion, 3.48.1,
compelli, to be compelled, 3.63.2.