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ὃν οὐ τύπτει λόγος οὐδὲ ῥάβδος → if words don't get through, neither a beating will | if the carrot doesn't work, the stick will not work either | whom words do not strike, neither does the rod


Latin > English

maturesco maturescere, maturui, - V :: become ripe, ripen mature

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

mātūresco: rŭi, 3,
I v. inch. n. maturus, to become ripe, ripen, to come to maturity (class.).
I Lit., of fruits: cum maturescere frumenta inciperent, Caes. B. G. 6, 29, 4; id. B. C. 3, 49: fructus maturescens, Plin. 16, 26, 44, § 107.—
II Transf.: partus maturescunt ... novem lunae cursibus, * Cic. N. D. 2, 27, 69: nubilibus maturuit annis, ripened to marriageable years, i. e. a marriageable age, Ov. M. 14, 335: libros opinabar nondum satis maturuisse, Quint. Inst. Ep. ad Tryph. 1: si virtutes ejus maturuissent, had come to maturity, to perfection, Plin. Ep. 5, 9, 5.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

mātūrēscō,¹³ rŭī, ĕre (maturus), intr.,
1 devenir mûr, mûrir : Cæs. G. 6, 29, 4 ; Plin. 16, 107
2 acquérir le développement convenable : Cic. Nat. 2, 69 || devenir nubile : Ov. M. 14, 335 || [fig.] atteindre son plein développement : Plin. Min. Ep. 5, 9, 5.

Latin > German (Georges)

mātūrēsco, mātūruī, ere (maturus), I) reif werden, reifen, v. Früchten, Caes. u.a. – vom Eiter, si pus maturuerit, Cels. – II) reifen, heranreifen, 1) eig., zur körperl. Reife gelangen, partus maturescunt, Cic.: nubilibus maturuit annis, wurde heiratsfähig, -mannbar (v. einem Mädchen), Ov. – 2) übtr., zur geistigen Reife gelangen, libros nondum satis maturuisse, zur Herausgabe reif, Quint.: senescentibus vitiis, maturescente virtute, reife, sich immer mehr entwickele, Liv.: si virtutes iuvenis maturuissent, sich vollkommen entwickelt hätten, Plin. ep.

Latin > Chinese

maturesco, is, rui, rescere. n. 3. :: 熟。始熟。成功。Libros nondum putabam satis maturuisse 自爲諸書未修成。