From LSJ
γυνὴ γὰρ οἴκῳ πῆμα καὶ σωτηρία → bane and salvation to a house is woman, bane or salvation to a house is woman, for a woman is disaster and salvation for the house
English (LSJ)
τό, draught of wormwood, Aët.3.69, Alex. Trall.1.15: —also ἀψινθάτιον (leg. ἀψινθιᾶτον) PLond.3.1259.32 (iv A. D.).
Spanish (DGE)
-ου, τό
• Alolema(s): ἀψινθάτον Alex.Trall.2.341.17; ἀψινθάτιον PLond.1259.32 (IV d.C.); ἀψινθίατον Alex.Trall.2.487.7
vino mezclado con ajenjo, DP 2.18, PLond.l.c., PRyl.639.73 (IV d.C.), Alex.Trall.1.543.27, 2.457.12, 513.21, ll.cc., ἀψινθάτου σκευασία Aët.3.69.
German (Pape)
τό, Dekokt von Wermut, Medic.