οὐκ ἔστι λέουσι καὶ ἀνδράσιν ὅρκια πιστά → there are no pacts between lions and men, between lions and men there are no oaths of faith, there can be no covenants between men and lions
Full diacritics: ἐσωτέρω | Medium diacritics: ἐσωτέρω | Low diacritics: εσωτέρω | Capitals: ΕΣΩΤΕΡΩ |
Transliteration A: esōtérō | Transliteration B: esōterō | Transliteration C: esotero | Beta Code: e)swte/rw |
Comp. of ἔσω (q.v.).
ἐσωτέρω: συγκρ. τοῦ ἔσω, ὃ ἴδε.
v. εἴσω.
ἐσωτέρω: συγκρ. του ἔσω.