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Κύριε, βοήθησον τὸν δοῦλον σου Νῖλον κτλ. → Lord, help your slave Nilos ... (mosaic inscription from 4th-cent. church in the Negev)


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

septĭmānus: a, um, adj. septem.
I Of or belonging to the number seven: Nonae, falling on the seventh day of the month (in March, May, July, and October; opp. quintanae, which fell upon the fifth day), Varr. L. L. 6, § 27 Müll.; Macr. S. 1, 14; Censor. de Die Nat. 20: feturae, born in the seventh month, Arn. 3, 105.—
II Subst.
   A septĭmāni, ōrum, m., soldiers of the seventh legion, Plin. 3, 4, 5, § 36; Tac. H. 3, 25.—
   B septĭmāna, ae, f., late Lat. for hebdomas, a week, Cod. Th. 15, 5, 5: die septimanarum, the Jewish feast of weeks, Vulg. 2 Macc. 12, 31.—Hence, septĭmā-nărĭi, = hebdomadarii, Reg. Bened. 35.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

septĭmānus, a, um, relatif au nombre sept : nonæ septimanæ Varro L. 6, 27, nones qui tombent le sept du mois || de sept mois : Arn. 3, 10.

Latin > German (Georges)

septimānus (in sehr guten Hdschrn. septumānus), a, um (septimus), zur Zahl sieben gehörig, sieben betreffend, I) adi.: Nonae, die auf den siebenten Tag des Monates fallen, Varro LL. u.a.: fetura, Leibesfrucht von sieben Monaten, Arnob. 3, 10: ille septimanus, mit od. nach sieben Monaten geboren, Ambros. epist. 44. § 5. – II) subst.: A) septimāna, ae, f., a) die Woche, Cod. Theod. 15, 5 leg. ult. Vulg. 2. Mach. 12, 31. Plin. Val. 3, 23. Augustin. serm. 99, 2 (vgl. septimanarius). – b) die siebente Altersstufe, Macr. somn. Scip. 1, 6. § 74 u. 76. – B) septimānī, ōrum, m., die Soldaten der siebenten Legion, die Siebener, Septimanen, Plin. 3, 36. Tac. hist. 3, 25.

Latin > English

septimanus septimana, septimanum ADJ :: of the seventh
septimanus septimanus septimani N M :: soldiers (pl.) of the seventh l