ἐφ' ἁρμαμαξῶν μαλθακῶς κατακείμενοι → reclining softly on litters, reclining luxuriously in covered carriages
English (LSJ)
ἡ, = Lat. A distentio penis, Horap.1.46 (v.l. εὐτονία).
Translatum forum
Even the text they refer to (Horapollo 1.46) has εὐτονία ("vigor"), not ἐντονία. The word ἐντονία is attested nowhere else in either ancient or modern Greek. Leemans' 1835 edition of Horapollo shows all the MSS with εὐτονία; Leemans mentions that some previous editors had suggested ἐντονία. Modern editions of Horapollo have followed the MSS and Leemans in preserving εὐτονία. The passage in question is τὸ τηνικαῦτα τῇ ὑπερβαλλούσῃ εὐτονίᾳ τιτρώσκει τὴν θήλειαν ("which then wounds the female through overwhelming vigor"). I see no reason to read "through an overwhelming erection" by emending a unanimous text with a non-existent word ἐντονία. Source
German (Pape)
[Seite 857] ἡ, Anspannung, Anstrengung, Sp.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
ἐντονία: ἡ, ἔντασις, «τέντωμα», τῇ ὑπερβαλλούσῃ ἐντονίᾳ (τοῦ αἰδοίου) τιτρώσκει τὴν θήλειαν Ὡραπόλλ. Ἱερογλυφ. 1. 46· εἰμὴ ἀναγνωστέον εὐτ-.
Spanish (DGE)
-ας, ἡ
tensión, erección del pene τῇ ὑπερβαλλούσῃ ἐντονίᾳ τιτρώσκει τὴν θήλειαν Horap.1.46 (cód.).