ἑτέρως ἠδύνατο βέλτιον ἢ ὡς νῦν ἔχει κατεσκευάσθαι → otherwise they could have been constructed better than they are now (Galen, On the use of parts of the body 4.143.1 Kühn)
Full diacritics: ἀκοΐδιον | Medium diacritics: ἀκοΐδιον | Low diacritics: ακοΐδιον | Capitals: ΑΚΟΪΔΙΟΝ |
Transliteration A: akoḯdion | Transliteration B: akoidion | Transliteration C: akoidion | Beta Code: a)koi/+dion |
τό, Dim. of A ἀκοή 11.3, Gloss.
-ου, τό oreja, Gloss.2.222.