ἀλλὰ σὺ μὲν νῦν στῆθι καὶ ἄμπνυε → but you, stop now and catch your breath | but do thou now stand, and get thy breath
Full diacritics: πυργομάχος | Medium diacritics: πυργομάχος | Low diacritics: πυργομάχος | Capitals: ΠΥΡΓΟΜΑΧΟΣ |
Transliteration A: pyrgomáchos | Transliteration B: pyrgomachos | Transliteration C: pyrgomachos | Beta Code: purgoma/xos |
[ᾰ], ον,
A fighting from a tower, Ath.4.154f.
[Seite 820] einen Thurm angreifend, Ath. IV, 154 f.