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From LSJ

Νέµουσι δ' οἴκους καὶ τὰ ναυστολούµενα ἔσω δόµων σῴζουσιν, οὐδ' ἐρηµίᾳ γυναικὸς οἶκος εὐπινὴς οὐδ' ὄλβιος → They manage households, and save what is brought by sea within the home, and no house deprived of a woman can be tidy and prosperous

Euripides, Melanippe Captiva, Fragment 6.11
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Full diacritics: αἱμορροΐς Medium diacritics: αἱμορροΐς Low diacritics: αιμορροΐς Capitals: ΑΙΜΟΡΡΟΪΣ
Transliteration A: haimorroḯs Transliteration B: haimorrois Transliteration C: aimorrois Beta Code: ai(morroi/+s

English (LSJ)

ΐδος, ἡ, mostly in plural, αἱμορροΐδες (sc. φλέβες) veins
A liable to discharge blood, esp. haemorrhoids, piles, Hp.Aph.3.30, etc.
II kind of shellfish, perhaps Aporrhais pespelicani, Arist.HA530a19.
III female of αἱμόρροος ΙΙ, Plin.HN20.210; poet., αἱμοροΐς θήλεια Nic.Th.315.

Spanish (DGE)

-ίδος, ἡ
• Alolema(s): αἱμοροΐς Nic.Th.315, Androm.18
I 1hemorragia Arist.HA 521a19, cf. PA 668b19, GA 728a23.
2 plu. hemorroides Hp.Aph.3.30, esp. Hp.Haem.passim, Cels.2.1.21, 6.18.9A.
II zool.
1 cierto molusco prob. múrice, cañadilla, Bolinus brandaris L. o Thais haemastoma (L.) Arist.HA 530a19, 24.
2 cierta serpiente, hemorroo (cf. αἱμόρροος II 2) Nic.l.c., Androm.l.c., Philum.Ven.21, Hippiatr.Cant.71.4, Cels.5.27.7, Lucan.9.709, Plin.HN 20.210, Ael.Prom.55.15.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

αἱμορροΐς: ΐδος, ἡ, ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ πλεῖστον κατὰ πληθ. αἱμορροΐδες (ἐν. φλέβες) = φλέβες ὑποκείμεναι εἰς αἱμόρροιαν, ἰδίως αἱ καὶ παρ’ ἡμῖν οὕτω καλούμεναι αἱμορροΐδες, Ἱππ. Ἀφ. 1248, κτλ. ΙΙ. εἶδος ὀστρακοδέρμου, Ἀριστ. Ἱ. Ζ. 4. 4, 34· (ἄλλη γραφ. ἀπορραΐδες). ΙΙΙ. = αἱμόρρους, ΙΙ, Πλίν. Φυσ. Ἱστ. 20. 81.

Russian (Dvoretsky)

αἱμορροΐς: ΐδος ἡ
1 кровотечение Arst.;
2 геморроида (род моллюска) Arst.


Afrikaans: aambei; Arabic: بَاسُور‎; Armenian: թութք; Azerbaijani: babasil; Belarusian: гемарой; Bulgarian: хемороид; Burmese: လိပ်ခေါင်း, လိပ်ခေါင်းရောဂါ; Catalan: hemorroide, morena; Chinese Cantonese: 痔瘡, 痔疮; Mandarin: 痔瘡, 痔疮, 痔; Min Nan: 痔瘡, 痔疮, 起背仔; Czech: hemoroid; Esperanto: hemoroido; Finnish: peräpukama; French: hémorroïde; Galician: hemorroide, almorrá; German: Hämorrhoide; Hindi: बवासीर, अर्श; Hungarian: aranyér; Icelandic: gyllinæð, raufaræðahnútur; Indonesian: ambeien, wasir, hemoroid, bawasir; Japanese: 疣痔, 痔核; Kazakh: көтеу; Korean: 치질(痔疾); Macedonian: хемороид; Maori: tero puta; Norwegian Bokmål: hemoroide; Nynorsk: hemoroide; Persian: بواسیر‎; Portuguese: hemorroida, almorroida, almorreima; Romanian: hemoroid; Russian: геморрой, геморроидальный узел; Sanskrit: मूलव्याधि, अर्श, अर्शस्; Scottish Gaelic: neasgaid fala; Serbo-Croatian Cyrillic: хеморо̀ӣд; Latin: hemoròīd; Slovak: hemoroid; Spanish: hemorroide, almorrana; Swedish: hemorrojd; Tagalog: almoranas; Thai: ริดสีดวงทวาร; Turkish: basur, hemoroit; Ukrainian: геморой; Vietnamese: trĩ, bệnh trĩ