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English > Greek (Woodhouse)


For fishing: P. and V. δίκτυον, τό (Plat.). For hunting: P. and V. δίκτυον, τό (Plat.), βρόχος, ὁ (Plat.), ἄρκυς, ἡ (Plat.), V. ἀμφίβληστρον, τό, ἄγρευμα, τό. Met., V. ἄρκυς, ἡ, ἄγρευμα, τό; see also toils. The man is caught in the net: V. ἁνὴρ ἐς βόλον καθίσταται (Eur., Bacch. 847; cf., Rhes. 730). Being caught within the net of fate: V. ἐντὸς . . . οὖσα μορσίμων ἀγρευμάτων (Aesch., Ag. 1048). He hath escaped from the midst of the net: V. ἐκ μέσων ἀρκυστάτων ὤρουσεν (Aesch., Eum. 112). Surround mith a net, v.: P. περιστοιχίζεσθαι, V. περιστιχίζειν.

v. trans.

P. and V. αἱρεῖν, P. συμποδίζειν.


Clear of deduction: P. ἀτελής.

Dutch > Greek

γρῖφος, κάλυμμα, κυρέω, κύρτος, παρατυγχάνω, περ, πλεκτάνη, πλεκτός, συμπίπτω