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Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

stannum: (perh. also stagnum; hence 2. stagno and stagneus, v. stanneus), i, n.,
I an alloy of silver and lead, Plin. 34, 16, 47, § 159; 33, 9, 45, § 130; Suet. Vit. 5 fin.—
II Tin (late Lat. for plumbum album or candidum), Hier. in Zach. 1, 4, 10; Isid. Orig. 16, 22.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

stannum, ī, n., plomb d’œuvre, plomb argentifère : Plin. 34, 159 || étain : Isid. Orig. 16, 22.

Latin > German (Georges)

stānnum, ī, n., s. 2. stāgnum.